One - I am a 200 lb rider.

Two - the same dirt road isn't necessarily the same on two different
days.  If they have just been graded they will be soft and sandy; if
they have been driven on for a while they will be pact, but might be
rocky or rutted; if it's been dry and hot they will get corrugated and
awful; if it raining or its thawing they will be muddy.  If its
snowing they could be hard packed and firm or soft and slippery.  When
you ride out in the morning, don't be surprised if the road feels
quite different in the evening.
Three -  I'm only sharing my own experiences of living with dirt roads
for the past 20 years.


On Jan 28, 8:27 am, Steve Palincsar <> wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 05:11 -0800, MichaelH wrote:
> > I would second (or third) the views of Patrick and Angus.  I live in a
> > town with no paved roads, so I do a lot of dirt road riding, and
> > almost every ride begins and ends with 2+ miles of dirt.  However, I
> > have never felt the need for really big tires.  The biggest I am
> > running are 38 Avocet Cross Tires, which measure out to 35 and have an
> > inverted tread, so aren't too bad on pavement, and are great on dirt
> > and even packed snow.  But when I'm out on a long ride on pavement I
> > want something faster and lighter, so typically run 26-28 on my
> > Rambouillet, but am currently running 23mm Continental Grand Prix ( a
> > gift from my son). They feel very lively and haven't flatted once in
> > the first 500 miles or so, and that was actually on the dirt road
> > heading out from my home.
> Two qualifications:
> 1.  All dirt roads aren't the same.  Some are soft and sandy, some are
> littered with ruts and large rocks, some are hard-packed gravel.   What
> works on one surface may not work on another.
> 2.  Weight matters.  A tire that may glide on top of the gravel for a
> 100 lb person may sink in under the weight of 200 lb of rider.

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