This I agree with, by and large.

Of course, you know, the Great Invisible Lobster Hand In The Sky
secretly and silently coordinates all the infinitely various and
multitudinous single acts of greed into a general, All Pervading
Harmony that lifts every boat higher and higher toward the Empyrean
until everyone strangles on his own wellbeing.

Patrick "and multiplicity as such is the source of unity, too" Moore,
in a Metaphysical mood.

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 3:15 PM, robert zeidler
<> wrote:
> My faux pas, but I'm not talking about quality, but rather sourcing
> from overseas. Not a flag-waving exercise, though I'm beginning to
> thik we should do more of that, but just the fact that the profit,
> wages etc., go overseas rather than someone here reaping that benefit,
> which we all will end up paying anyway, plus the fact all of this
> stuff has to be shipped across the ocean.  I'm not talking about a
> not-available-here-in-any-way-shape-or-form item, but rather something
> that can sourced closer to home.  Shimano?  Campy?  no problem, not
> made here, but anything that can be...
> Sorry, I read a lot about how the business model is to"send the labor
> overseas", and I know that's a complicated, OT, lengthy discussion,
> and don't mean to get that started here, but it is Riv-related in a
> big way.
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Shaun Meehan <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 1:46 PM, robert zeidler <>
>> wrote:
>>> If it's made here, it's better.  Think of everything bad (and there
>>> are many things) associated w/ a Taiwanese made product.
>> None of the Atlantis frames have ever been built in Taiwan. At least not
>> that I know of.
>> They've only been built in Japan (by Toyo) and in the United States (by
>> Waterford).
>> Aside from that, I've seen some of the Maxway built frames up close and the
>> quality
>> seems pretty damn good. So I don't know that I would agree that there are
>> inherent
>> problems with Taiwanese made products in the case of the Maxway frames.
>> Shaun Meehan
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Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW at

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