I'm surprised that the White Industries Crank hasn't been mentioned. It 
requires you to use their large chainring, but that in turn allows you to use a 
small chainring in a variety of bcds. This would allow all of your screwball 
double gearing combos that you can think of for the most part.

See the crank here:  http://www.whiteind.com/cranks/roadcranks.html

It's even Silver and square taper, although the chainring appears to be black.


Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 21:12:49 -0700
Subject: [RBW] Re: Outer ring on Rambouillet
From: cyclotour...@gmail.com
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com

Ahhhh, my eyes... they hurt....

But really, why get rid of the outside position?  I would put a rock guard/bash 
ring on there.  Seems a much better options than straight doing away with the 


On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Garth <garth...@gmail.com> wrote:

With the popularity of 29ers, were seeing a start of some 110/74

doubles. The are essentially a refined 110/74 triple.... just made so

you cannot put an outer ring on them. It's just as easy to not put a

outer ring on your triple and you at least have an option to go back.

Here's some from Rotor .... yeah the colors are what they

are .  .  .put you get the idea of what can be done.


Sugino showed one too...a photo shown here ...http://velo-

orange.blogspot.com/2009/03/taipei-cycle-show-update-3.html   It looks

to be outboard bearing though. .  .  . the latest in the whirly-go-

round of engineers with too much time on their hands trying to

reinvent bike parts. LoL!

The TA Carmina is champ of all BCD's .  .  .  yeah it's a bit pricey

at 4 bills .  . .   but like many Euro things .  .  .the loss of the

Dollar has made it tough. But, it's not all that out of line .  . . as

the Zephyr last sold with rings from Riv for $275 in 2002. Look at the

price % increases of PW FW hubs .  .  .  . it's been soaring and

there's no exchange rate involved. It is what it is . .  .  ..

48 or 50 isn't just for racing .  .  . I use a 48x13 top gear and I'm

and average cyclist who lives on very hilly terrain .  .  . so I use

it frequently.

A 46 ring should be no problem on the FSA crankset as long as your

doing friction .  .  .it's when people do the indexing F/R that things

can get hair-pullingly specific.

Redlands, CA

"Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something wrong 
with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym."  ~Bill Nye, scientist guy

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