On Sat, 2009-08-29 at 14:34 -0700, CycloFiend wrote:

> By which term (though it did make me think of the Hansen brothers' "Old Time
> Hockey!" cry) he meant my Silver Barends. He literally didn't think they
> worked, and that I was running them for some sort of statement.
> I tried to impress upon him that a strong, simple design doesn't go out of
> style, but think he might have believed I was also wearing tinfoil under my
> helmet.
> My vague point is that to most of us, the logical jump from barends to DT
> shifters isn't that large a leap.  But, we're kind of unique in that

Especially not much of a leap for those who know that the Silver bar-end
shifter is actually a Sun Tour Sprint downtube shift lever mounted on a
Shimano bar end shifter pod (or reissued facsimilies).  


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