> But I am surprised by how well these light aluminum fenders stand up to
> dents; better than Berthoud stainless, at least in my experience with them.

My problem with Honjos on my touring bike anyway is it does not take
much of a mishap to bend them out of shape.  The Berthouds I installed
to replace the Honjos got a few dents on the first tour even.  But a
year and half later and I have not had to make any adjustments.

On May 29, 8:45 pm, PATRICK MOORE <bertin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com> wrote:
> > IIRC the VO fenders have a satin rather than a highly polished finish.
> > So don't polish them.  Don't even worry about keeping them clean.  Let
> > them look a bit oxidized, like the old Lefols would do.  That look goes
> > splendidly well with a frame that shows signs of hard use, sort of like
> > a weather-beaten old cowboy.
> Steve is right; the VOs look fine on the very well used Motobecane -- nicks
> and scratches galore; original paint mediocre, and now dulled by age --
> where shiny or hammered Honjos would look out of place. But I don't agree
> that a used frame looks like a cowboy; more like an aging, lined, somehwat
> cynical domestique.
> But I am surprised by how well these light aluminum fenders stand up to
> dents; better than Berthoud stainless, at least in my experience with them.
> --
> Patrick Moore
> Albuquerque, NM
> Professional Resumes. Contact resumespecialt...@gmail.com
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