I do not think rights of free speech matter in this context. What matters is
the type of community you want to foster and develop. I think open source
communities should strive for openness and transparency. I will not use or
ever recommend SugarCRM because of the posts over the vTiger fork of mine
and others that were "moderated". PBX-in-a-Flash "moderated" my questions
concerning the use of GPL code and their shareware install scripts. In
neither case was I trying to damage the communities, but someone thought
that my questions would damage their community "market share".

I think the two example communities are damaged far more by the "moderation"
than by the content of my post. If principles like freedom and openness are
good, then I say they are always good - even when used for things we do not

In the spirit of transparency, I see not problem with a wiki posting of
community "members" that have/had practiced "bad form", but I am still slow
to recommend the evaluation of individual members.


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 15:03, Stephen John Smoogen <smo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Luke Kanies <l...@madstop.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > The underlying assumption of membership in any community is that your
> > participation is at worst neutral, and if possible positive.
> > Communities, online or off, generally do what they can to protect
> > themselves from detrimental influences, which is where policies,
> > politeness, moderators, and all that come into play.
> >
> > Puppet's community has been both fortunate and awesome, in that it
> > requires almost no moderation or control; we've only had to kick a
> > couple of people out of our IRC channel and they were clearly just
> > insane or spammers, and we've never had to remove anyone from our
> > mailing list other than spammers.
> >
> > We've recently had some problems where one or two people are
> > maintaining their presence in the Puppet community solely as a way to
> > recruit people out of Puppet and into their community, at the expense
> > of ours, and I think we need a straightforward community policy on this.
> >
> > Overlapping communities are awesome, and I'm all for your encouraging
> > Puppet community members to join other communities *in addition to
> > ours*, but it seems a bit insane for us to support people coming into
> > our community just to evangelize competing products and communities.
> >
> > My take is that if your participation in our community is *solely* for
> > purposes of shrinking it by drawing people into your community at the
> > expense of ours, then you should be kicked from our community.
> >
> > What do others think?  Should it be acceptable to privately contact
> > members of our community, encouraging them to leave?
> >
> The free speech side of things could say that it is a basic right
> because its up to the person being contacted to choose to leave or
> not. Throwing people out without solid evidence is too prone to
> lawsuits, bad publicity for the people throwing, and can easily be
> made into a "They just don't want competitors on their lists" kind of
> game.. Also who decides, what evidence is it based off? Hearsay,
> emails that could have been forged [been done before].. it can devolve
> quickly into High School cliques of who's in and not. And that worst
> of all drives away potential customers who are looking for
> professionalism before they would want to use or be part of the
> community.
> Calling people on their behavior seems to be much more effective in
> that it inoculates the community that they will be aware of it. In the
> end it is still up to the individuals to leave/stay in a community.
> --
> Stephen J Smoogen. -- BSD/GNU/Linux
> How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed
> in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. "The Merchant of Venice"
> >

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