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> On 10 Nov 2015, at 7:55 AM, Alan Mead <> wrote:
>> On 11/9/2015 3:15 PM, Nigel Brown wrote:
>> In the context of the FAQ then that says “If you want an import/export 
>> filter or some other feature to help PSPP complement your favourite program, 
>> then please talk to us about it.”
>> Could we talk about an export filter to R (I like using PSPP for data clean 
>> up but R for factor analysis) and an import filter from R output? A 
>> configurable export/import filter to help PSPP complement R would be my 
>> request in the context of the FAQ sentiment.
> Nigel,
> I agree that I think SPSS/PSPP has some unique value for data cleaning. I'm 
> sure you can get things accomplished in R but I think it's easier in 
> SPSS/PSPP.  (Although R has more varied missing data treatments.)
> But what exactly do you mean about exporting to R?  R already has the foreign 
> package that reads SPSS SAV files, so go ahead and do whatever you want with 
> the data and then use foreign to read the data into R.
I have coworkers that could set up a gui based request in PSPP press a button 
that says <ok> and, without caring whether it was exported to R or another 
package and results imported, interpret the stats that come back. I don't think 
they would care to learn R for this site when they are in real SPSS when 
working at another place. 
That is, if they can stay in a PSPP like environment they are more productive. 
It does make PSPP a bit like a front-end for 20% of the task but data cleaning 
and stats already in PSPP is 80% of what they need. The extra 20% varies from 
project to project so would be a big job to add the full breath of the 20% to 


> The enormous irony is that the foreign package is built on code from PSPP 
> that Ben wrote.
> If the foreign package needs updating, then bug that developer.
> -Alan
> -- 
> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
> science + technology = better workers
> +815.588.3846 (Office)
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