> Subject: finding new developers
> To: pspp-users@gnu.org
> From: matej.kova...@owca.info
> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 21:02:05 +0100
> Hi,
>> There is no interest from the developers to do this. A while back
>> someone even offered to put down $500 of their own money and others
>> volunteered a few hundred each on top to bring this about but it was
> It seems that bounty offers would not solve the basic problem. The basic
> problem is, there is no enough developers. And majority of us here are
> not developers, so we cannot really help.
> Maybe we should start actively looking for new developers?
> Or maybe hire one (maybe from India)?

All are viable alternatives.

 - I proposed to petition to incorporate PSPP, for the priority projects of the 
Free Software Foundation. http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/priority-projects/

- Another way is to make it visible through publications, blogs, Facebook, 
Twitter (and other social networks). Volunteers interested? 

- To campaign on the website of PSPP.

I am delighted that the community is active, and how Users can encourage the 
development of this application (also can translate documents, create graphics, 


Note: I'm interested in creating a public Telegram channel for news from PSPP 
(https://telegram.org/blog/channels), which include announcements of new 
versions and bug fixes and other things of interest. 
Does anyone here use it actively?                                         
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