On 09/11/2015 21:55, Charles Johnson wrote:
Subject: Re: finding new developers
From: nbr...@internode.on.net
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 06:43:22 +1000
To: matej.kova...@owca.info
CC: pspp-users@gnu.org
Or perhaps start a different paradigm for adding function to PSPP
(still need developers but maybe fewer):
The big advantage of SPSS in my eyes was and is ease of use so why not
focus on the front-end role of PSPP and
put developer time there and leave the backend processing to R-Project
for the calculating side of the task.
That is, develop a general hook from PSPP into R (?start with
generating R batch files and then bring R output back into PSPP)
and focus on PSPP commands to drive that hook?
See: http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/faq.html#Merge

I think you'd better ask for a user-friendly GUI to R developers, although 
there are several.
In my experience, pspp works much faster than alternatives using large data, 
which is an advantage. For that and other reasons I think pspp should be 
further developed.  I agree that PSPPire must be on par with pspp, but the 
advantage here is that pspp commands are easy to use by knowledgeable SPSS 
largely unchanged.

There is an approach to pivot tables in
R http://www.rforexcelusers.com/make-pivottable-in-r/ which could
perhaps be a starter for basic CTABLES back-end functionality?

A major advantage of SPSS was and is its relative ease of use compared to R.

You don't need to be a mechanic to drive a car and people will laugh at you when you say: why should I know how to change the compression of my engine? I want to go from here to there and not repare cars.

R in stats is like you to have be a mechanic.

When reading the R stats papers I often have the impression people do R for the love of programming and not because they have to solve a substantial question.

There are some GUI that allow you work without programming. Yes, but their capacity is limited.

In SPSS you can easily switch between clicking & programming (sort of ).

PSPP should maintain that same competitive advantage.

- ftr

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