The big reason is for output for complex subheadings and big banner reports.  
This is what everyone in my industry uses SPSS for.  Actually, it is the only 
thing that they use it for.  In terms of presentation I know it is ugly as all 
hell but there really isn't a substitute for the CTABLES functionality out 
there especially when it comes to big survey banner reports that involve 
subcategory reporting.  For multiple response questions you really can't beat 
the MRSETS CTABLES combination.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frans Houweling" <>
To: "pspp-users" <>
Sent: Friday, November 6, 2015 10:47:58 AM
Subject: Re: Multi response sets in PSPP

Hi all,
   I am not one of the - bless them - developers. I am a old TABLES 
user. Lately (20 years or so) the output is not considered "presentation 
quality" anymore. So I find myself exporting the TABLES output in order 
to get it into Microsoft Office stuff, where AGGREGATE + SAVE TRANSLATE 
would in fact be a shorter track.
So my question is: why do you consider CTABLES such a useful feature? I 
don't want to fuel any argument, just understand if workarounds exist or 
could be more easily developed.

On 06/11/2015 19:00, Robert Lutener wrote:
> There is no interest from the developers to do this.  A while back someone 
> even offered to put down $500 of their own money and others volunteered a few 
> hundred each on top to bring this about but it was stated that there is no 
> interest from the developers to implement this functionality.  Which is kind 
> of weird because CTABLES is the key reason why the Canadian government uses 
> SPSS at CRA and a few other departments.  For their stats stuff they 
> typically use R or Stata.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matthias Faeth" <>
> To: "robertl" <>
> Cc: "ftr" <>, "pspp-users" <>
> Sent: Friday, November 6, 2015 9:32:53 AM
> Subject: Re: Multi response sets in PSPP
> I strongly support Robert's view. However, the maintainers seem to be more
> interested in statistics than plain old tabulation. Has anyone an idea how
> to implement even a stripped down version of CTABLES?
> Matthias Fäth
> Im Mediapark 12
> 50670 Köln
> t: 0221-2907973
> m: 0171-9832175
> e:
> 2015-11-06 18:06 GMT+01:00 Robert Lutener <>:
>> CTABLES is probably the most valuable feature of SPSS and is used by the
>> vast majority of people that buy the SPSS license.  It is a real shame that
>> PSPP doesn't have CTABLES as this would be a major factor in more
>> widespread use of this open source solution.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "ftr" <>
>> To: "pspp-users" <>
>> Sent: Friday, November 6, 2015 5:56:23 AM
>> Subject: Re: Multi response sets in PSPP
>> On 06/11/2015 11:24, Michał Dubrawski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If the information here is up to date then we have MRSETS command
>> implemented in PSPP
>> Is there any way to display these MRSETS in the PSPP output - frequences,
>> percentages or in corss tabs? I'm only using thses MRSETS in SPSS in
>> CTables. I am aware that CTables are not implemented in PSPP and since it
>> is very complicated won't rather be implemented in the nearest future.
>> If it is not possible to display multi response, maybe implementation of
>> MULT RESPONSE command would be a solution? Is it possoble to implement it?
>> It is has an option to display frequences, percentages and even cross
>> tabulation. I think that it would be very useful for users, what do you
>> think?
>> Thanks again to all the developers and people involved with PSPP project
>> for all your work.
>> kind regards,
>> Michał Dubrawski
>> Hi Michal,
>> survey analyst NEED methods to study multiple-response variables. So I
>> strongly support the idea to implement a Mult Response command.
>> The help text ends with this cryptic sentence:
>> Otherwise, multiple response sets are currently used only by third party
>> software.
>> Dear maintainers, would you please be so kind to explain which third party
>> software is meant ?
>> TIA
>> -ftr
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