On Mon, Nov 09, 2015 at 10:20:24PM +0100, ftr wrote:
     When reading the R stats papers I often have the impression
     people do R for the love of programming and not because they have
     to solve a substantial question.
Programming is about solving questions.  Substantial ones and other ones.

One thing that disappoints me with the omnipotence of computers today, is
the number of people who use them, without having a clue what the machine
is doing.  

This is particularly important with statistical hypothesis testing.  Having
calculated (say) a P-value - that value is useless unless you know what it
means under under what conditions it was generated.

I personally beleive that whatever way PSPP is developed, it should be 
one that encourages the user to become more knowledgeable - not less 

Just my $0.02


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