On 05-18-2021 3:14 pm, Jaroslaw Rafa wrote:
So where is the maildir actually located? On server X or on server Y?
If it is located on server Y, how Dovecot on server X accesses it? NFS or
some other kind of shared storage?

Yes, both servers are sharing NFS storage.

And, if there were no Postfix on server X and you used Dovecot submission, what would send the mail out to the Internet after being accepted by Dovecot submission service? Dovecot is not a MTA, it's submission service needs to
pass mail to a real MTA to be sent out further.

Not anymore. Dovecot added submission service in version 2.3.0 and can now send mail out to the internet all by it self without the need of another MTA. The only draw back is that it does not have the ability to check authenticated user against the From: address to prevent spoofing. IMO this is a huge short coming easy to fix since dovecot already knows who is logged in and knows the From: address because its delivering the message. (Hint hint if the dovecot devs ever read this) So because of this one downside i am still using postfix for submission to protect the internet from spoofing trolls.


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