On 05-18-2021 10:51 am, Wietse Venema wrote:
You want Postfix X to forward a recipient to Postfix Y (the MX).
You want Postfix Y to deliver that recipient to Postfix X.

That is a loop. It can be broken with multiple instances, content_filter,
or smtpd_proxy_filter.

On 18.05.21 11:11, post...@ptld.com wrote:
Not exactly.

Yes i want postfix X to deliver a recipient to postfix Y only if postfix Y is the receiving mx for that domain, otherwise postfix X will deliver to the appropriate mx server out in the world.

So, you want postfix X to deliver mail to whatever server is MX for the
recipient domain.

meanwhile, you blame postfix X for delivering the mail locally, when the
recipient is local for postfix X.

Then simply remove the destination domain from mydestination and
virtual_mailbox_domains on postfix X, because postfix X clearly thinks the
mail for recipients domain has to be delivered locally.

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