Dnia 18.05.2021 o godz. 11:45:53 post...@ptld.com pisze:
> Yes, and postfix X is not the MX server for the recipient domain. If
> you didn't get the beginning of this thread, the purpose of postfix
> X is to be only a submission service for dovecot/imap. I wouldn't
> even use postfix if possible and let dovecot do the submission:587
> service however dovecot has no mechanisms for
> reject_sender_login_mismatch. So i need postfix in the loop unless i
> want to allow people to send spoofed from addresses.

If Postfix on server X is only for submission, then how does Postfix on
server Y deliver mail to server X? Is this done using LMTP to Dovecot via
TCP socket? Or do you just send the mail back from Postfix on server Y to
Postfix on server X, which delivers it to users' mailboxes, where they are
picked up by Dovecot?

In the latter case you need Postfix on server X for delivery, not only for

In either case, I would suggest moving the submission service from server X
to server Y. Then your problem of sending the mail to server Y would be
solved automatically. You only need the Postfix submission service on server
Y to authenticate remotely to Dovecot on server X, which can be done using
TCP socket instead of UNIX socket for authentication.

Then you can either leave Postfix on server X for delivery from server Y
only, or get rid of Postfix completely and deliver mail from Y to X over

Of course you should protect the connection between server X and server Y so
that only server Y can access the services on server X (iptables).
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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