On 05-18-2021 12:41 pm, Jaroslaw Rafa wrote:
This gets more and more confusing. I understand what you are trying to
achieve in two-server setup, but in case there is only one server, where do you want to send the local mail if not deliver it locally? Where else can it
be delivered if there is only one server?

On 18.05.21 13:55, post...@ptld.com wrote:
Yes, mail is being delivered to the same physical linux server. But submission:587 isn't smtp:25. They are two different spawned services on two different ports. Their understanding of the hardware or linux environment shouldn't matter. They are separate services.

so, you have multiple instances?

Once again, configure postfix instance running on port 587 not to deliver
mail to your domain locally, but to pass it further. Either via MX lookup,
or via transport_maps.

As you have said, it completely does not matter whether those two instances
run on different or the same server.

Where do i want mail delivered to?

I want mail submitted via submission:587 to be delivered to the mx host for the To: domain, regardless if that is on the same server or other side of the world. Again, not just stuffed in the maildir by submission, i want it to reach back out and make a connection to smtp:25 even if its the same machine. Why? Because otherwise it bypasses all checks, filters, and ban list done by mail received on smtp:25.

I want mail received via smtp:25 to be delivered to local transport if smtp:25 is the final destination for that To: domain otherwise bounce as user unknown.

Easy on two server setup, so far only suggestion to do this on single server setup is by multi-instance setup.

You have already said above that you have multiple instances.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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