On 05-18-2021 2:12 pm, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
so, you have multiple instances?

On 18.05.21 14:37, post...@ptld.com wrote:
No, i don't have multiple instances of a postfix install. Postfix has multiple instances as in:

in your other mail you still refer to them as two separate servers
- this makes it harder to understand.

01: /usr/libexec/postfix/master -w
02:  \_ pickup -l -t unix -u
03:  \_ qmgr -l -t unix -u
04: \_ smtpd -n submission -t inet -u -o stress= -s 2 -o smtpd_sasl_type=dovecot ...
05:  \_ tlsmgr -l -t unix -u
06:  \_ anvil -l -t unix -u
07:  \_ trivial-rewrite -n rewrite -t unix -u
08:  \_ cleanup -z -t unix -u
09:  \_ smtp -t unix -u

See, line 9 is smtp:25 waiting for a connection.
And line 4 is submission:587 accepting mail from a user's client.

so, it's the same postfix instance, with different smtpd ports with
different smtpd options.

as I said in different mail, smtpd rules on port 587 are usually much
simpler, but if you need to put reject_sender_login_mismatch into 
smtpd_sender_restrictions, you can
do that in master.cf.

Everything i wish to accomplish would be achieved if i could simply change the value of either the transport or the domain maps on the -o options line in the master.cf, but as Wietse pointed out to me postfix was not designed to allow those values to be different between smtp and smtpd.

maybe is could be accomplished if you we found why postfix doesn't do some
of your required measures on port 587, while it does them on port 25.

apparently you configured those measures only on port 25, or turned them off
on 587.

Most of those can be used on both ports, however most of restrictions on
port 25 (blocklists, ehlo checks etc) are useless on port 587, because
clients on port 587 are to be authenticated and are expected to have simple
helo strings.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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