But Witsei, would you agree with me that error 4XX is (in general cases) a temporary error?
Why keep trying when we have a clear signal of a temporary error? Also, if we had a temporary error control (number of deferred messages by recipient), it would be easy to identify when postfix should stop trying at least for a while. Att. -- Rafael Azevedo | IAGENTE Fone: 51 3086.0262 MSN: raf...@hotmail.com Visite: www.iagente.com.br Em 08/01/2013, às 13:34, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> escreveu: > Rafael Azevedo - IAGENTE: >> I truly believe that postfix is the best MTA ever, but you might >> agree with me that when the receiver start blocking the sender, >> its worthless to keep trying to deliver. > > 1) Postfix will back off when the TCP or SMTP handshake fails. This > is a clear signal that a site is unavailable. > > 2) Postfix will not back off after [54]XX in the middle of a session. > IN THE GENERAL CASE this does not mean that the receiver is blocking > the sender, and backing off would be the wrong strategy. > > Wietse