Thank you Witsie.

We have a huge mail volume thats why I'm trying to figure out a better way to 
deal with it.

Many providers have their own restrictions. We do work in compliance with most 
of them, but there are a few that just won't help at all, so its easy to tell 
me to make the necessary arrangements when they don't even have a support or 
abuse dept to get involved.

So since the problem is in my hands, I must find out a way to deal with it. 
Trying to slow down delivery speed is one way to get through.

I truly believe that postfix is the best MTA ever, but you might agree with me 
that when the receiver start blocking the sender, its worthless to keep trying 
to deliver. 
The safest way is to stop delivering to these servers and try again later. 

I just can't believe that postfix doesn't have a way to deal with it. It would 
make postfix much more efficient in delivery terms.

Anyway, thanks for your time and all the help. It was for sure very appreciated.

Any help here would also be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Rafael Azevedo | IAGENTE
Fone: 51 3086.0262

Em 08/01/2013, às 12:09, Wietse Venema <> escreveu:

> Rafael Azevedo - IAGENTE:
>> Hi Witsie,
>> Is there anyway we can adjust Postfix to stop delivering after a
>> 4XX reply?
> Postfix will stop delivering after TCP or SMTP handshake failure.
> Postfix WILL NOT stop delivering due to 4xx reply AFTER the SMTP
> protocol handshake.
> Postfix is not a tool to work around receiver policy restrictions.
> If you want to send more than a few email messages, then it is your
> responsibility to make the necessary arrangements with receivers.
> Over and out.
>       Wietse

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