sunhux G wrote:
Will the messages still be located on the Exch server after POP3 is
No, there's no messages stored on the Exch server : in fact currently
the Cerberus Hdesk software will connect up to the Exch server quite
frequently (I'm not sure how frequent) such that any emails sent to
the MS Exch server will get cleared away from the MS Exch (think
it's within a couple of minutes) & then these emails will be stored
in Cerberus.
My question is, after it is disabled, will you still need to get the
messages off the Exchange server?
No, I don't need to get the messages off the Exchange server.
Technically, I could have used Gmail to substitute for the Exch
server & Cerberus could interface into Gmail to clear out mails
from Gmail via POP3. Cerberus may send a ticket to whoever
send emails to the Gmail account so that it would appear to
the sender that the ticket is being sent from the Gmail account.
Gmail supports POP3 if I'm not mistaken. Unfortunately I'm not
allowed to use Gmail due to the sensitivity of the project &
information in the emails & Helpdesk CRs being issued.
Will new helpdesk messages continue to put on the Exchange? Or
is mail routing being changed so that these helpdesk emails are
routed to your "new" server, whether it be the helpdesk server or other?
If I replace the Exch with Gmail, the Gmail account will only
"temporarily" store emails sent to it for a couple of minutes
before Cerberus clears away the emails from the Gmail account
& then store the emails in Cerberus.
If this mail server will be used only for this, you can just install postfix and a
simple pop server. You can use dovecot or even Qualcomm qpopper, which
configuration is simpler. Make sure that all messages sent to this account get
into the mail server (with some mechanism like MX records, forwarding, or so...).