I am fedup with flash eating my download limit. What
right does flash have to use my bandwith for free ?

appears you are on dialup

Why cant Firefox have an option to disable flash.
well, I know why, because thoes dam firefox
programmers dont ask before programming which features
First, polite language please. Don;t curse some untill you know.
Don;t curse a freeware programmer or opensource programmer because most of the time ignored thousands of dollars worth earning potential to do something for users like you.

Now coming to flash, if you had spent some time you would have known that flash is a plug in, that doesn;t install by default and you can remove that plug in. If the "damned" mizilla programmers have put thousands of hours on programming it, why not you spend a fraction of an hour discovering the options?

are most wanted and which are least used; they just
put in features according to their whims and fancies.
They don't work for you, they work for the community and majority of them love flash. AFAIK flash is installed as plug in LATER after you permit so. (in my case it was that way) Even if that is not true its no rocket science to remove it.

Manoj Oswal
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