> > And what happens to all those people who like Flash,
> # Just click the FlashBlock to toggle enable flash
> # whenever U need it, whats wrong with that ?
Nothing, except for the fact that some people might *like* the flash stuff. If 
they like flash, flashblock is not of much use to them, is it? That's the 
point I'm trying to make.
> > the onus is not upon the Firefox designers to
> > enable/disable Flash. It
> # Did U use AVANT Browser, then talk of onus ?
This is how it goes. You like avant..you use it. I like FireFox, I use that. 
What happens to those users who like FireFox *and* Flash? As far as I know, 
they are not mutually exclusive communities. The designers need to think 
about such stuff. That is the reason for having plug-ins. And did I not hear 
you say <quote>Avant is great but stupid</quote>? Is it available for Linux? 
No (again, quoting you). Firefox is. So stop whining. If you like Avant so 
much, port it. Oh..you can't! Its not free (as in freedom)! And, does Avant 
allow you to *enable* flash, if you suddenly have the whim to waste 
> # any ways Who are U to decide what I should decide ?
Nobody. By the same logic, you don't get to decide for me or the community 
whether flash support should be put into FireFox. 

> > is the responsibility of the website designer to
> > understand people might
> > not have the time/inclination/bandwidth to indulge
> # Who told U that They are resopnsible people
> # They are making money out of thoes cheap flash Ads
Read. Understand the grammar. I'm not saying that the webmasters are always 
responsible. But its their responsibility (shall we say duty?) to provide a 
flash free site, for those who desire it. And, what's wrong with making 

> - Saint Zyx
Mere mortal,
Not a saint.
By golly, I'm beginning to think Linux really *is* the best thing since
sliced bread.
 -- Vance Petree, Virginia Power
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