I dont know why U wrote What U wrote below, but let me
tell U all that my net speed has increased 4 times
after I installed FLASHBLOCK plugin. May be because it
doesnot download the falsh files any more ? I am not
sure but I am happy that my Downlimit exausht has
slowed down 4 times since.

> > From: Kaustubh Gadkari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> And what happens to all those people who like Flash,

# Just click the FlashBlock to toggle enable flash
# whenever U need it, whats wrong with that ?

> the onus is not upon the Firefox designers to
> enable/disable Flash. It 

# Did U use AVANT Browser, then talk of onus ?
# any ways Who are U to decide what I should decide ?

> is the responsibility of the website designer to
> understand people might 
> not have the time/inclination/bandwidth to indulge

# Who told U that They are resopnsible people
# They are making money out of thoes cheap flash Ads

> in Flash. Do you know 
> that disabling Flash won't really make too much of a
> difference? The 
> animation will still be transferred..you just won't
> have the plugin to 

# first test and Then talk, dont waste out time

> view it. So if you have a problem with Flash, take
> it up with the 
> webmaster of that site. Don't waste precious
> bandwidth here.

# I feel the same about, in fact, I have saved
# bandwidth of many here by bringing up the issue
# my 1 GB will last for more than a month now, simple

> P.S.: I can't help thinking that all of this would
> have available on the 
> web. But, why search when you can ask, eh?

# Ohh I didnt knew it

- Saint Zyx

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