I did a thanks before, but I thank specially to U to
take such an effort, The effort seems tohave elevated
Linux from realms of community dictatorship towards
Majocracy(democracy without party). U too have got
elevated from realms of your basic instincts, thats a
miracle. Read Between lines

--- lonetwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Gurudatta,
> I'll curb my basic instinct to blast and try and
> answer this mail in simple
> terms which hopefully you would be able to
> understand with some effort.

# thanks again, I read it all, its well written for me
# to understand.

> --- Gurudatta Raut
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    Now that many of U have spent vast good parts
> of
> > your life in linux, and linux being so free open &
> > liberae (I am not giving up even though its not),
> I
> > want to know where the hell is that website where
> all
> > users of linux can vote for and put their most
> wanted
> > linux features and most dispected linux features
> lists
> > ?
> When you install Linux, what you get is:
> a) The GNU/linux kernel

# I am a user I dont care much about Kernel, but Just
# curious, How come LILO dosent require a Kernel ?
# and How far can BootLoaders be streched to mimic
# A complete OS out of them ? Sounds crazy ?

> b) A selection of packages that the distributor of
> the linux distribution
> decided to include with the help of the community
> that supports the
> distribution. Often a choice is made to choose one
> package over another
> similar package. (For example: xine instead of
> mplayer). For each of these
> packages, the best suitable default configurations
> that is decided, again
> with the guidance of community opinion.

# Whatever happened to UserLinux and when will we get
# a distro out of Public Demand from scratch

> Now, each of these packages themselves have a number
> of contributors that
> collectively decide the evolution of the package.
> This is like a democracy. Think of a disto as a
> political party, the packages
> as the pet-projects (or issues) that political
> parties commit themselves to. 

# Democracy is no good we need Majocracy for Linux
# http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=34298

> Now, coming to answer your question: how does one
> influence decisions or
> bring about change ? There are different approaches:
> a) The easiest is to vote for the party whose
> philosophy or agenda is most
> closely aligned with yours. This translates to
> "Choosing the distro you feel
> most comfortable with". If you go this way, the
> effort is minimum (you just
> have to make a choice), but the trade-off is you
> have to accept the
> shortcomings of your choice with the benefits.

# still we have to choose what out there, This is bad
# business, they should make what will sell and only
# users can tell that, but its not so anywhere, So I
# mean one website for the world instead of fragmented
# suggestion for particular distors

> b) Get actively involved with the functioning of the
> political party. This
> translates to "Get involved with the community
> supporting your distribution".
> For Fedora go here:
> http://fedora.redhat.com/participate/
> For Mandriva go here:
> For Debian go here:
> http://www.debian.org/devel/join/

# thanks for the effort, hope they find the light

> c) Get actively involved with a community that are
> involved in issues
> themselves, instead of relying on the political
> party to address the issues
> correctly. This translates to - "Get involved with
> the community supporting a
> particular package".

# when my time arrives I will, there are other far
# more imp. issues I am battling now, read my blog

> For Mozilla/FireFox/Thunderbird this is at
> http://www.mozilla.org/contribute/
> For OpenOffice it is
> http://contributing.openoffice.org/index.html
> For the linux kernel itself it is:
> Now, no matter which route from the above you choose
> to bring about change,
> any one of them is immensely more preferable and
> effective than shouting out
> "The whole system sucks !!" (this applies to both
> political ideals as well as
> the linux community).

# I wont be in this group had the whole system ...

> I understand that after being used to a
> communist/dictatorship regime, where
> one sole body (company or party) is responsible for
> everything, the democracy
> of linux is quite a shock, but take some
> responsibility and behave maturely
> and you will notice the advantages.

# Yes its a shock that democracy is seen as the
# ultimate goal of human imagination, maturity is a
# political perception that I am deviod of

> In conclusion, my only hope is that this mail clears
> up some issues for a
> wider audience than just Gurudatta, since I'd be
> pained to realize that I
> spent almost 45 mins hitting my head against a brick
> wall.

# I felt the same initially, but it aint so

> >  If U r a linux lover U wont ignore this question,
> its
> > your moral obligatory duty to address this issue
> and
> > solve it.
> Speaking about morals, I'm still waiting for the
> thanks and apology[1]. I
> dare you to muster enough strength of character to
> do it.
> Regards
> Steve

# Let me remind all, That FLASH BLOCK is a incredible
# Plugin, there was no command line involved, the boy
# is growing up fast, Mr. Win is aging fast.


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