Why cant Firefox have an option to disable flash.
well, I know why, because thoes dam firefox
programmers dont ask before programming which features
are most wanted and which are least used;
And what happens to all those people who like Flash, pray tell. Also,
the onus is not upon the Firefox designers to enable/disable Flash. It
is the responsibility of the website designer to understand people might
not have the time/inclination/bandwidth to indulge in Flash. Do you know
that disabling Flash won't really make too much of a difference? The
animation will still be transferred..you just won't have the plugin to
view it. So if you have a problem with Flash, take it up with the
webmaster of that site. Don't waste precious bandwidth here.
P.S.: I can't help thinking that all of this would have available on the
web. But, why search when you can ask, eh?
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