> > From: Ankur Ashtekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey why don't you get urself the flash block
> extension...
> http://flashblock.mozdev.org
> (An advice... try Opera... its free today)
> cheers,
> Ankur

Ladies and gentalmen, We have got him, Saddam Oops I
mean Flash. Thanks Mr. Ankur Ashtekar , All I had to
do was click the autoupdate link from the site U gave
and enable autoupdates from that site, next time when
I started Firefox I could add the flashblock button in
my FireFox toolbar. Now There is this beautiful
control displayed in place of the Flash animation, I
was fedup with a particular nasty Flash Ad, Now I feel
I am in control.

Thanks again,  Ankur Ashtekar and thoes who tried to
help, Now I am sure Linux is gona bring down MS,
because of people like U. How can U do this to MS.

About Opera, Its free today but what about tommorow ?

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