
I decided to give a try to Aare or Workflow in Pharo 6, following
instructions in https://github.com/Netstyle/Workflow . However, the
installation script raised a Warning about missing WADynamicVariable
class. Should I install Seaside?

I've been using a couple of bioinformatics workflows the last years,
specially Taverna (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Taverna) and
Galaxy (https://www.galaxyproject.org/) both of them huge code bases
maintained since some years now and with very active communities from
biological sciences. I found a cool video showing Galaxy features:

As impressive as you may think, they are not a Panacea for workflow
execution. An installation process could get really complicated, for
example interfacing with nginx and PostgreSQL, and customization of
toolshed could end in endless editing XML specifications.

I just skim through the white paper, but unfortunately didn't
recognized any of the compared features or workflow systems.
Is Aare intended to support only business workflows patterns?
Considering the Galaxy video above, do you think scientific workflows
could be supported in Aare or it is a completely different route?



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