
how modular is Calypso in respect to:

* taking the UI apart and compositing it in a different manner
* reusing parts of it in a different place/application (e.g. just the code
editor, or just the method list, ...)
* using alternative abstractions to just package/class/protocol/method
  * e.g. instead of showing classes SomeSubject, SomeSubjectTest it would
show "Some Subject" (a string returned by SomeSubject class>>myName) and
clicking on it would show the combined methods from both the SomeSubject
and SomeSubjectTest.

Also would such alternate usecases be considered a feature of Calypso (so
it is intentional in building Calypso to use it in a different manner), or
purely coincidental (as in, if it is possible, Calypso is built for
different purpose and I cannot expect that some property will not disappear
in the future).

Thanks a lot!

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