Hi hernan

I started to clean the code in my fork.
If you want to contribute let me know.
I started to clean all misclassified methods to force me to  read the
code. (I used them as a marker to know if I passed on the code).
For the moment I made sure that the code loads.
- I created the variable as subclass of Object
- I removed the dependencies to omnibase.

I added class comments about what I understood.
I'm about to continue writing structural tests
and I will start to try to understand how to run a workflow.


On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 9:02 AM, Hernán Morales Durand
<hernan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I decided to give a try to Aare or Workflow in Pharo 6, following
> instructions in https://github.com/Netstyle/Workflow . However, the
> installation script raised a Warning about missing WADynamicVariable
> class. Should I install Seaside?
> I've been using a couple of bioinformatics workflows the last years,
> specially Taverna (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Taverna) and
> Galaxy (https://www.galaxyproject.org/) both of them huge code bases
> maintained since some years now and with very active communities from
> biological sciences. I found a cool video showing Galaxy features:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVYzMWWRMN8
> As impressive as you may think, they are not a Panacea for workflow
> execution. An installation process could get really complicated, for
> example interfacing with nginx and PostgreSQL, and customization of
> toolshed could end in endless editing XML specifications.
> I just skim through the white paper, but unfortunately didn't
> recognized any of the compared features or workflow systems.
> Is Aare intended to support only business workflows patterns?
> Considering the Galaxy video above, do you think scientific workflows
> could be supported in Aare or it is a completely different route?
> Cheers,
> Hernán

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