
Thanks for the suggestion.  I guess if there is no other way, I will have to
bite the bullet and listen to the low bitrate version.  I wish they would
just make the much nicer sounding high bitrate version available in a series
of smaller files.  I believe this is what OverDrive does and users of that
service don't have this issue.  Thanks again for the advice.

--Warmest regards,
--Rick Alfaro

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Robert Hebert
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 4:51 PM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: mp3 player that plays wma's

With Net Library, there two options:
The first option is to download radio quality. This file is roughly one
tfifth of the CD quality file which is the second option.
So, if your file was 135 megs the other should be about 30 megs.
I had the same problem on a Iriver t 30 where the cd quality file was too
large for the unit--not in terms of its size--the T 30 is 1 gig but the unit
did not play such a large file properly--played about 2/3 of the file then
stopped. The smaller (radio quality) worked fine.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Alfaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 2:24 PM
Subject: RE: mp3 player that plays wma's


My local library uses net library for downloadable books and I have signed
up to use the service.  The big problem I have encountered is that the books
from Net Library are given to you for download as on huge file.  The last
book I downloaded was 135 megs.  I am on a very high speed connection, so
that is not a problem.  The problem for was with the player I purchased to
read these books.  It is a Sandisk Sansa M240.  Even though the player has 1
gb of memory, and can take the whole book with no problem, attempting to use
either fast forward or rewind looses your place and brings you back to the
beginning of the book.  I called Sandisk about this and was told that this
behavior is due to the size of the file.  It simply can't handle the
indexing for that size of a book.  That was $75 down the drain
unfortunately, because that was the only reason I had purchased the player.

Can you recommend a player that will work with the huge files available from
net library?  The ability to simply play the file with DRM isn't the only
thing needed for net library books, it also has to be able to allow you to
rewind or fast forward through a book without totally loosing your place.
Any suggestions much appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Kathy Szinnyey
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 7:26 AM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: mp3 player that plays wma's

Hi, Londa!  I work at our public library which also now has access to free
downloadable books that are in wma-drm (digital rights management) format,
so I know the search for such an mp3 player quite well.  I have found two
players that are more or less accessible.  one is the Ilo for about $99; you
can get it from Walmoart on-line but not in their stores.  I got mine on
ebay for about $50, I think.  The other you can find just about anywhere. 
It's called the Disney Mix Stick, I think.  It's for little kids, but it's
pretty accessible and costs about $40.  I'll be happy to talk more about
them and tell you what I know about advantages and disadvantages of each if
you want to write me off-list.  There is also a player, the name of which
escapese me, that has pre-loaded books on them, one book per player.  I'll
see if I can find it.  So give me a holler if you like!


Kathy Szinnyey
----- Original Message -----
From: "Londa Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 8:43 AM
Subject: mp3 player that plays wma's

> Hi All,
> I'm looking for an accessible mp3 player that also plays WMA files.  Our
> library system is getting downloadable audio books and wants to be able to
> provide some suggestions for blind patrons.  they'd also like to be able 
> to
> purchase players and loan them with books preloaded on them to blind
> patrons.  I've looked at the book port, but it's a bit expensive.  I'm 
> also
> not sure it will do the job.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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