Well,  tate, I haven't really studied it in deatail.  It does have several 
menus, including an FM radio.  But the first thing that does come up is the 
mp3 player.  It has one of those little displays where you can find play, 
stop, backward and forward and I think an enter button, all arranged in that 
standard little square you see a lot on displays now.  As with all the 
cheaper mp3 players, you can't mark where you've left off in a book like you 
can with a bookport, but if you just want to get at those wma-drm files and 
you don't mind forwarding to find your place, the Ilo is a way to go.  It 
uses a standard maybe tripple A battery, I think.  I haven't messed with it 
for awhile, like I said.

The Disney products (the Disnye Mix Stick) is easier to use and cheaper yet, 
and you can buy an SD card for it, which you'd probably want to do since it 
only comes with 128 meg memory.  The Ilo comes with a gig emory.  I don't 
think it has a place for an SD card, if I remember correctly.



Kathy Szinnyey
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tate Luck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:53 AM
Subject: RE: mp3 player that plays wma's

> Is the ilo easy to lern?
> I like what I read about it.
> Wood you please tell us more about it.
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Kathy Szinnyey
> Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 7:26 AM
> To: PC audio discussion list.
> Subject: Re: mp3 player that plays wma's
> Hi, Londa!  I work at our public library which also now has access to free
> downloadable books that are in wma-drm (digital rights management) format,
> so I know the search for such an mp3 player quite well.  I have found two
> players that are more or less accessible.  one is the Ilo for about $99; 
> you
> can get it from Walmoart on-line but not in their stores.  I got mine on
> ebay for about $50, I think.  The other you can find just about anywhere.
> It's called the Disney Mix Stick, I think.  It's for little kids, but it's
> pretty accessible and costs about $40.  I'll be happy to talk more about
> them and tell you what I know about advantages and disadvantages of each 
> if
> you want to write me off-list.  There is also a player, the name of which
> escapese me, that has pre-loaded books on them, one book per player.  I'll
> see if I can find it.  So give me a holler if you like!
> Cheers,
> Kathy
> Kathy Szinnyey
> or
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Londa Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 8:43 AM
> Subject: mp3 player that plays wma's
>> Hi All,
>> I'm looking for an accessible mp3 player that also plays WMA files.  Our
>> library system is getting downloadable audio books and wants to be able 
>> to
>> provide some suggestions for blind patrons.  they'd also like to be able
>> to
>> purchase players and loan them with books preloaded on them to blind
>> patrons.  I've looked at the book port, but it's a bit expensive.  I'm
>> also
>> not sure it will do the job.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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