Hi, Londa!  I work at our public library which also now has access to free 
downloadable books that are in wma-drm (digital rights management) format, 
so I know the search for such an mp3 player quite well.  I have found two 
players that are more or less accessible.  one is the Ilo for about $99; you 
can get it from Walmoart on-line but not in their stores.  I got mine on 
ebay for about $50, I think.  The other you can find just about anywhere. 
It's called the Disney Mix Stick, I think.  It's for little kids, but it's 
pretty accessible and costs about $40.  I'll be happy to talk more about 
them and tell you what I know about advantages and disadvantages of each if 
you want to write me off-list.  There is also a player, the name of which 
escapese me, that has pre-loaded books on them, one book per player.  I'll 
see if I can find it.  So give me a holler if you like!


Kathy Szinnyey
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Londa Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 8:43 AM
Subject: mp3 player that plays wma's

> Hi All,
> I'm looking for an accessible mp3 player that also plays WMA files.  Our
> library system is getting downloadable audio books and wants to be able to
> provide some suggestions for blind patrons.  they'd also like to be able 
> to
> purchase players and loan them with books preloaded on them to blind
> patrons.  I've looked at the book port, but it's a bit expensive.  I'm 
> also
> not sure it will do the job.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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