Lance Corrimal wrote:
> Am 14.03.2010 20:37, schrieb Soft Linden:
>> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Lance Corrimal
>> <> wrote:
>>> Am 14.03.2010 18:56, schrieb New Hax:
>>>> Lindens should be staying with their promises
>>> related question, where's the svn repo to check out the server code?
>> How is that in any way related?
>> We're closer on some of the tech, but don't yet operate with a
>> business model where giving away the hosting business would make
>> sense. Nobody promised otherwise.
> I might be totally wrong but I remember phil saying that the server code
> would be open sourced as well, back when snowglobe started...

That was the intent, but I think things got away from them. By all 
accounts, the server code is even more scary thant he viewer code was 
when first released and with OpenSim and a C++ implementation on its 
way, releasing the SL code makes no real sense for LL, IMHO.

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