On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 11:24 AM, David Brownell<davi...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> On Friday 26 June 2009, Xiaofan Chen wrote:
>> On the other hand, it may be easier to create a WinUSB backend for
>> OpenOCD which covers the needs for OpenOCD (or libftdi) and
>> OpenOCD (or libftdi) only. You may not need to be a Windows driver
>> developer to do this.
> Correct me if I'm wrong here:  currently, the *ENTIRE* reason
> to care about the D2XX library is to get simpler Windows support.

Not so sure about the word "ENTIRE". I think it certainly is the
main reason.

There may be people who run Linux and Mac OS X and want
to use the FTDI D2XX library due to the perceived performance

> If that's so ... wouldn't it make the most sense just to rip out
> all the D2XX code, and replace it with WinUSB calls?

Yes this is the way to go. I think it is better to have both

> On the plus side:  no GPL worries, and simpler stories for
> distributors and end users.  No waiting for "someone" to
> fix the holes in libusb on MS-Windows, which have already
> been languishing for two years.
> On the minus side:  lose support for now-obsolete MS-Windows
> versions (but why care about older-than-XP?); forgoes the
> notion of a 100% identical programming interface (in just
> one file, go cry me a river); and some "remove old driver"
> stuff may need to be done.

There are people who are still using Windows 2000, and
even 98SE. As for Windows ME which even Microsoft
wanted to forget, I do not know. ;-)

All in all, IMHO libusb-win32+libftdi should still be a possibility for
Windows users (except 64bit). And the build option of
D2XX should still be kept for Windows and other users
who want to build their own binary.

> Mmm?
> - Dave
> p.s. Another "plus".  This is probably very doable by one
>     person, the classic "man on a mission".  I've seen
>     harder things done in less than two weeks, even with
>     MS-Windows obstacles in the way.

I tend to agree with this. WinUSB API is relatively "simple"
and "clean" from what I see.

Xiaofan http://mcuee.blogspot.com
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