On Fri, 2009-06-26 at 11:15 -0400, Duane Ellis wrote:
> Zach Welch wrote:
> > Only libusb+libftdi serves our long-term interests.
> >   
> Wrong.
> "libusb" is a *blocking* issue that we cannot control, fix, nor 
> whatever. LIBUSB is not supported by *newer* windows platforms. Unless 
> and until it is supported it becomes a dead end solution, period, end of 
> story.
> I believe the "WinUSB" solution is a solution, that for some reason 
> keeps being left off your list.
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa476426.aspx

I am not ignoring it.  I remember reading on another thread that WinUSB
support has been added to libusb-win32 SVN?  If that is true, than I
have covered your option in mine, but OpenOCD will use the same API.

I hope that I was not wrong in these assumptions, but I apologize if I
was mistaken.


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