2009/6/27 Michel Catudal <michelcatu...@gmail.com>:

> I don't think that they want us to move to vista 64 bit as most of the
> drivers for our hardware would not work but there is a point
> where we may be forced to move to vista or windows 7 and
> isn't windows 7 only 64 bits.

No. Windows 7 has 32bit version as well.

> Isn't that shit going to finally convince people that windows needs to be
> dumped in favor of Linux or FreeBSD?

There are all kinds of reasons why Linux is not ready at many
people's workplace. FreeBSD is even far away. Apple Mac OS X
is closer but still not there. So the simple truth is that the switching
is not going to happen any time soon, especially for work.
I use mainly Linux at home since it does most of the things
non-work related. But for work, XP is the one OS
we are using and it works well.

Xiaofan http://mcuee.blogspot.com
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