The situation is very different on embedded host with a bitbang 
connection to the target versus PC+USB, or PC + simple ethernet JTAG.

Here are the numbers from the Swedish jury:

Measured with the debug millsecond time output.
STM32 + JLink adapter, Linux on Athlon dual core 2.4 GHz.
Every test done 2 times

old version rev 1606:

single step:   59 ms
flash 64k :  24kB/s
mdb 0 128 :  44ms

trunk rev 1662:

single step:   99 ms
flash 64k :  21.5kB/s
mdb 0 128 :  72ms

So, the new version does not improve performance, for writing there is 
almost no difference, but for reading the core state and bytes there is 
70% perfoirmance hit.

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