Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Magnus Lundin <lun...@mlu.mine.nu> wrote:
>> Ųyvind Harboe wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Zach Welch <z...@superlucidity.net> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 2009-05-08 at 09:33 +0200, Ųyvind Harboe wrote:
>>>> [snip]
>>>>> I have to give a bit of thought on how to best to profile this, i.e. to
>>>>> find the precise location of the culprit.
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> I have had success with oprofile.  This would give you what you need.
>>> We effectively need to know the *stack trace* for those
>>> jtag_execute_queue()'s
>>> that are just sitting there waiting for the driver to complete.
>> You are wasting your time, I did some work on the STM32 flash performance
>> problems a few weeks ago, and improved write speed from 5kB/s to 15kB/s or
>> more, and the only real big difference was removing extra
>>  jtag_execute_queue() calls, and thus avoiding the USB roundtrip delay.
>> The numbers for ARM7 targets are worse for single stepping here the new code
>> is less than half the speed of the old one.
> Thanks for the pointer, patience and constructive feedback.
> I *will* address these performance problems next.
> I have a few more things I have to iron out, then I'll start on performance.
> If someone has a bug/regression that comes first though.
Stop trading USB performance for Zylin performance, stop changing the 
JTAG API, improving the implementation is nice though.
Listen to Laurent this time, he is right !!

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