On 08/05/2009, David Brownell <davi...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> On Thursday 07 May 2009, David Brownell wrote:
>  > http://search.cpan.org/~infinoid/App-SVN-Bisect-0.8/bin/svn-bisect
> Well that was a waste of a few hours.  It got into a mode
>  where it kept producing unbuildable trees, with refs to
>  jtag_add_dr_scan_now() added in r1629 but not, so far as
>  a quick scan says to me, actually referenced before that.
>  Does someone maybe have a git version of OpenOCD?  I know
>  that "git bisect" works quite well.  If there isn't one
>  ready (and why not just switch to GIT?) then I'll likely
>  create a local one.

I never used git bisect so I don't know exactly how it works. But what
I would probably do is manually just run "svn up -rXXX", recompile and
test, and then re-adjust the revision XXX up or down and try again.
For example: (revision numbers are completely made up)

svn up -r1600
# test, works okay
svn up -r1700
# test, fails
svn up -r1650
# test again

Also I might try looking at "svn log" for the particular revisions
that look like they could be culprits, instead of blindly halving the
revision numbers.
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