If I remember my company's latest Frankfurt contract, that was a few
100€ for the racks but 10s of thousands € yearly for the energy (~7kw
per rack)

To me, today, datacenter colo business is just reselling energy.

Am 12.12.24 um 10:55 schrieb Elmar K. Bins:
nanog@nanog.org (Thomas Mieslinger via NANOG) wrote:

.278€ per kWh is sort of a list price what they have to pay to the utility.
On top of that they run 20kW cooling equipment and 20kW UPS.
I have seen even higher prices in Frankfurt.

Yeah, I believe Mike tries to compare with US (subsidized) energy prices,
which won't work. (Btw, household energy prices are way higher.)

NL is especially difficult b/c of the current grid weakness, hence the NRC
for this extremely energy-heavy setup.


Looking for colo space in Amsterdam, is it common to have to pay for
phase3 power busbar and busbar, power supply, and tap off?  Total costs
for adding 3 phase plus testing etc ..... 136.000 Euros for NRCs and the
following MRC:

The Service Fee for a 20kW deployment would be €350/kW/month, so €7,000
per month in total based on a 36 month term and 3% annual indexation____

·Electricity consumption will be measured and invoiced monthly in
arrears at €0.278 per kWh (2024 pricing)

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