I don't understand how people stay in business paying $0.15/kWh. That's
------ Original Message ------
From "Riley O" <m32+na...@cubit.sh>
To "Aaron Wendel" <aa...@wholesaleinternet.net>
Cc "Tony Wicks" <t...@wicks.co.nz>; "NANOG list" <nanog@nanog.org>
Date 12/11/2024 3:22:27 PM
Subject Re: Re[2]: COLO space in EU
Where are you seeing that kind of pricing? The utility cost would have
to be sub $0.15/kWh to even pay the bill with 20kW, ignoring any
Riley C. O'Connor
m...@m32.io // m32.io <https://m32.io/>
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On Wednesday, December 11th, 2024 at 12:40 PM, Aaron Wendel
<aa...@wholesaleinternet.net> wrote:
Considering a full cabinet with 20kW in the US costs under $2k total I
would say so.
------ Original Message ------
From "Tony Wicks" <t...@wicks.co.nz>
To "'Aaron Wendel'" <aa...@wholesaleinternet.net>
Cc "'harbor235'" <harbor...@gmail.com>; "'NANOG list'"
Date 12/11/2024 1:08:37 PM
Subject RE: COLO space in EU
Yea, looks like whoever did that quote does not really want the
business and is pricing it as such
From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+tony=wicks.co...@nanog.org> On Behalf Of
Aaron Wendel
Sent: Thursday, 12 December 2024 8:05 am
To: harbor235 <harbor...@gmail.com>; NANOG list <nanog@nanog.org>
Subject: Re: COLO space in EU
So they have a charge just to have the capacity present of 7000
euros/month and then .278 euros per KWh on top of that?
I wish I could get away with charging that.
------ Original Message ------
From "harbor235" <harbor...@gmail.com>
To "NANOG list" <nanog@nanog.org>
Date 12/11/2024 12:45:52 PM
Subject COLO space in EU
Hi all,
Looking for colo space in Amsterdam, is it common to have to pay for
phase3 power busbar and busbar, power supply, and tap off? Total
costs for adding 3 phase plus testing etc ..... 136.000 Euros for
NRCs and the following MRC:
The Service Fee for a 20kW deployment would be €350/kW/month, so
€7,000 per month in total based on a 36 month term and 3% annual
· Electricity consumption will be measured and invoiced monthly in
arrears at €0.278 per kWh (2024 pricing)