On 22Mar2025 14:08, Sébastien Hinderer <sebastien.hinde...@ens-lyon.org> wrote:
Many thanks for your contribution. Is I tried to explainin my original
message my issue is not with _responding_ to messages coming from
Discourse, but rather to not being able to identify them as such in the
index because I can't make Mutt display an L for mailing list instead of
the + it currently and inaccurately displays for Discourse posts sent by
e-mail suggesting that these emails are addressed to me personnaly
whereas this is obviously not the case.
Ah, ok. I'm not using the "L" flag, instead I use the X-Label header and
this index_format string, which contains the "%y" index_format marker:
set index_format="%D %@from_part@ %S %?M?(%M) ?%?H?[%H] ?%s%* %?y? y? 4c"
I use my mail filing rules to apply the header as messages are matched;
nearly every messages get an X-Label header.
For example I drop several python lists including the Discourse email
into a single "python" folder. Here are some lines from the index right
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That's a bit wide, but basicly my index shows date/time, author, flags,
count, subject, x-label, size.
As an example, this is my rule for the Ideas category from the Python
Discourse forum:
python python-ideas list-id:/<python-ideas.python.org>
being the folder, the "X-Label:" value, and the match rule. Here I'm
matching the "List-Id:" header against "<python-ideas.python.org>".
I have a rule for every mailing list.
The mailfiler is my own and the rule syntax deliberately concise and
friendly. But you can also do this with procmail, which I used to use in
the distant past.
Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>