Dear all, I follow a discourse forum but with emails enabled as I am not comfortable with its web interface.
For the moment, the emails I receive for forum posts appear as addressed to me (with a + flag) rather than coming from a mailing list (with the L flag). At the beginning I thouhgt it was because the emails do not have the expected List-* headers but they actually do: List-Unsubscribe: <> List-Unsubscribe-Post: List-Unsubscribe=One-Click List-ID: OCaml | Learning <> List-Archive: Still, it is my personal address which appears in the To: field. I'm wondering what would be the right way to get such emails properly identified as coming from a forum rather than as emails addressed to me personally. Is there a configuration trick I should use? Is it mutt which is missing something or is it that the headers generated by Discourse are malformed? My intuition is that it's rather the headers which are problematic but I'd appreciate another (hopefully more informed) opinion. In particular, I am willing to report the problem to Discourse but the report would probably be more serious if it can refer to, say, an RFC and also include a hint on what should be done, rather than just saying htat things are not okay the way they currenly are. With all my gratitude for those who canhelp, Seb.