I also receive Discourse forum posts via email.
I don't make use of mutt's list stuff myself, so this advice may need
some adaption. Personally, I reply to all messages with "g"
(group-reply) and inspect the to/cc headers presented for correctness.
Note that Discourse messages have a "Reply-To:" header. This contains
the email address which appends your reply to the correct message thread
on the Discourse forum.
Have you tried an ordinary "nonlist" reply to such a message? Does it do
what you need already?
For me it composes a new message to that address. Here's an example when
I reply to a Python Discourse message:
From: Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
To: "Discussions on Python.org"
Bcc: c...@cskk.id.au
Subject: Re: [Py] [Ideas] Abstract Base Class for `queue.Queue` and
In-Reply-To: <discourse/post/235...@discuss.python.org>
So doing a nonlist reply might "just work" for you.
Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>