On 19 Mar 2025 13:50 +0100, from sebastien.hinde...@ens-lyon.org (Sébastien 
> List-Unsubscribe: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/email/unsubscribe/...>
> List-Unsubscribe-Post: List-Unsubscribe=One-Click
> List-ID: OCaml | Learning <learning.discuss.ocaml.org>
> List-Archive: 
> https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/collaboration-on-ocaml-project-1-claudius-outreachy/16325

Those headers do not appear to conform to RFC 2369 and RFC 2919.
Specifically, List-Unsubscribe appears to me to be correct (compare
RFC 2369 3.2 <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2369#section-3.2>)
whereas the others do not appear to match the syntax specified in the

I don't know how strict Mutt is about this, and you don't show the
relevant subscribe/lists command (note that those take regular
expressions, so a bare '+' would at a minimum need to be escaped;
<http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/#lists>), so it's hard to tell from
your email exactly what's going on.

Michael Kjörling
🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se

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