On Tue, Oct 04, 2011 at 09:26:32AM +0300, Alexander Gattin wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 12:49:20PM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 02:46:43PM -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> > > Linux is a kernel, not an operating system.
> > 
> > I suggest you not go there (like, ever). This
> > statement is at least arguably false on several
> > levels,
> Well, Linux is just a kernel, there's nothing to
> argue about. Mutt is MUA, not a framework for
> MUA/NNTPUA/whatever-you-like. Hope you get it.

This is off-topic, and it's a tired old argument that's been debated more
than enough elsewhere, in more appropriate forums. The positions of both
sides of the debate are well known, and no one here is adding anything to

Can all of you please drop it now.

If you *must* have this argument, take it off list. This is the
*mutt-users* mailing list, not a debating list. Until now, it's been a
remarkably polite, friendly, and helpful list. As a long-time mutt user,
who's found this list extremely helpful on more than one occasion, I'd
appreciate it if you didn't spoil it.


Dr T. S. Cubitt
Mathematics and Quantum Information group
Department of Mathematics
Complutense University
Madrid, Spain

email: ts...@cantab.net
web:   www.dr-qubit.org

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