On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:12:22PM -0300, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> I love it when something someone doesn't agree with gets tagged as
> "trolling". Meh.

I love it when something that's trolling gets tagged as trolling.
Seriously... you posted an e-mail in a public forum  whose sole
content was to proclaim that a long-time and respected member of the
community misused the term "operating system" in his post.  So,
let's see...

  * Off topic, for both the thread and this list?  Check.
  * Contains language which is incendiary or expected to produce an
    emotional response?  (Not sure how butting in to tell someone flatly that
    their usage of terminology is wrong could not be viewed that way.) Check.
  * Argumentative without making a useful point?  Check.
  * Contributes zero to the OP's (or any) discussion?  Check.
  * text book definition of trolling?  Check.
So there you have it.  Your post was trolling, by definition.  I tried
to be nicer about pointing out that you were trolling, but you weren't
having any of that...  I suspect most people would agree that your
suggestion that the way David used "Linux" and "Operating System"
together was inappropriate is rather silly, but sadly that can not be

> Tell you what, you install just the Linux kernel, and nothing more, on your
> laptop, and tell me just how usable your "operating system" is.

Trolling in the very e-mail where one attempts to suggest that one is
not trolling: Priceless™  

Have a lovely day.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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