On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 08:42:24AM -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> On 09/29/2011 06:17 AM, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:
> > Hi, does anyone knows if it can be possible to read/subscribe to newsgroups
> > (nntp) with mutt?.
> Mutt is just an MUA, and attempts to extend it into anything more than
> that (RSS reader, NNTP reader, etc.) are silly IMO. If you must
> absolutely have NNTP and mail, then Mutt isn't for you. I would
> recommend using Gnus (http://gnus.org).

I didn't see the start of this thread so sorry if this is a repeat...
There is an NNTP patch for mutt, and some people swear by it.  There
are a lot of arguments against the patch, but integrating mail and
NNTP is not such a crazy idea... fundamentally they're basically the
same thing, with a lot of the same types of operations and behaviors.
There obviously are important differences though, and mutt just wasn't
really written with that in mind, so the integration (codewise) is a
bit clunky.

You can find out about the NNTP patch, and a bunch of other useful
patches, here:


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