On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 03:31:37PM -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> Legitimate authorities categorized Pluto a planet, even though many in the
> scientific community would argue otherwise. Of course, "legitimate
> authorities" are never wrong, are they?

That is exactly my point, thanks for making it.   Or perhaps your
own authority on this topic is somehow irrefutable and inscrutable?
Oh, right, you have wikipedia on your side, which everyone knows is,
in fact, irrefutable and inscrutable.  I forgot.


  "Linux is a computer operating system which is based on free and
  open source software."

  "Linux is a leading server operating system, and runs the 10 fastest
  supercomputers in the world."

What you are arguing is semantics, and that's never terribly a
productive use of your time.  Calling someone out for using a word
in a way that you personally don't agree with even though you
understood perfectly well what was meant is equally unproductive and
pointless, except perhaps to massage your own ego.  Doing so when the
that usage of the term clearly has copious extant examples
demonstrating accepted usage, as in this case (googling the *exact
phrase* "Linux operating system" yeilds 4.7 MILLION results), is just
trolling.  And that, IMO, does deserve to be called out.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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