Leonardo M. Ramé wrote (Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 09:53:32AM -0300):
> That could what I'm looking for. It would be nice to let slrn store the
> results in different mbox folders, so I can access them using mutt.

I used this method a while back to read Usenet newsgroups. Have attached a
script that I used at the time, in case it's of any use to you as a
starting point.


set slrnpull = /usr/bin/slrnpull
set newsdir = /var/spool/slrnpull/news/rec/music/indian/classical
set logfile = /tmp/slrnpull.mandar
#set host = news.cs.tu-berlin.de
set host = dp-news.maxwell.syr.edu

$slrnpull --expire --logfile $logfile

cd $newsdir
foreach f (`/bin/ls [0-9]*`)
    /usr/bin/formail -a "Article: $f of rec.music.indian.classical" -I Path: < 
$f >>! $HOME/News/rmic.slrn
    /bin/rm $f
    sleep 1

echo "" >> $logfile

$slrnpull -h $host --logfile $logfile

/bin/mail mandar -s "slrnpull log" < $logfile
/bin/rm $logfile

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