
* Steve Talley [05/16/02 19:19:39 CEST] wrote:
> David T-G wrote:

> > > It doesn't match the subject anymore, but I hate mutt for not
> > > syncing my mailboxes with the output from my $display_filter.

> > Why?  That's what the filter is for; if you want to change the
> > message, then you should 'e'dit it and pass it through your filter
> > somehow.  Note that it's up to you to figure out how you should
> > implement this in a transparent manner ;-)

> This is handled by the filter_message patch, posted on 3/26.  The
> output of your filter is integrated into your mailbox as a new
> message, and the old message is marked for deletion.

I don't why I've missed this one. It would really solve this
problem but would break things completely up, at least in my
case because my filter produces some output I really do not
want to be written back to my box.

But thanks for mentioning.

Cheers, Rocco.

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